Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I got the FUNK

Vacation ruined me...

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed every moment of it; but now that I'm home, I am finding it hard to get back into my routine.
 I worked so hard to develop good habits: cleaning the kitchen before bed every night, walking every night, losing the baby weight, getting up early in the mornings, and keeping up on chores each day...
 I feel like I have taken 100 steps backwards. I look around the house and feel so discouraged at all the things that need to be done. The kitchen has one wall of wallpaper stripped, a project I have yet to finish. I don't feel like I can start that until I have finished my everyday chores first. Laundry has piled up on my once again and our bedroom is in desperate need of organization.
These are just a few of the things that need to be taken care of in my life this moment, and yet I sit here griping to you about it.
 Every morning I say "Today I get back on track", and every morning I wake up too tired or with another excuse.
Where did Ambition go??
That is my rant for today, I will try to be my normal  positive self again soon...