Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This To Shall Pass, Right?

Since I have gone back to work, I find myself looking forward to it daily. Both of my children are going through a Terrible Phase : Terrible 2's and Terrible Teething. Don't get me wrong, I love my children and cherish every moment but lately the sweet moments have been fewer than the Terrible ones.

I always heard that having them close together would be hard in the beginning but wonderful as they get older, I am ready for the wonderful part. Of course I do not want my children to grow up in a hurry, just ready for them to get along and to be able to take them out in public without the stress. My 2 year old seems to be unable to listen to instruction, unable to potty train and unable to go an hour without a complete breakdown or tantrum. It makes me sad that others do not get to see how amazingly smart and fun he is the rest of the time. I am very proud of him and love him angry or not, but oh am I ready for this to pass!

My daughter is on the short path to one year old (already!) and instigates most of the breakdowns mentioned above. She is learning and exploring so much that she cant stand to be left out of anything, including whatever brother is intently concentrating on at the moment. Currently she is cutting a 5th tooth in which I keep trying to tell myself is the cause of her temper. As cute as it is that she smiles and says "yeah" afterwards, her little temper will be less cute at 2 years of age...

I just keep telling myself that God didn't give me anything I cant handle and of course This to shall Pass...