Friday, March 25, 2011

On the Menu Today: Animal Crackers With a side of Ketchup "pease and tank you"

Are you tired of me talking about myself? Me to!!! So here's what Life was like at the Woodell House today. Nothing all that exciting, just a normal day with a few cute highlights thrown in.
We started out the usual way, me staring into outerspace until my cup of magic kicked in, Grant being cranky beacause he doesn't have coffee to help him wake up...(hmmm I wonder if it is just a myth that it stunts your growth, and would it be worth it if it helped keep my stress level down?) And Lela sleeping in to a glorious 8:30, just enough time to finish coffee (shes my favorite child already) haha j/k really I would never pick a favorite between my children, what kind of mom do you think I am?
 Anyway our day went by without much fuss, I turned Barney on and solved the problem of my very cranky 2 yr old, thats right I am one of "Those Moms".
 For snack time, I gave Grant some animal crackers and he insisted on having ketchup with them. Now I know every kid goes through the "ketchup stage", in fact I thought Grant was already done with it. So I reluctantly gave it to him thinking he would realize his mistake.... but of course he loved it and asked for more.
 We would have gone outside but it was so cold out there today so we decided to play inside. Grant is now deciding that he likes his baby sister and even plays with her a little. I caught him sharing his cars with her, the ones he wont even let me play with. He did pretty good until he realized that he was sharing and had a melt down.... Then later today while I was making dinner,  Lela bounced in her jumper and Grant tried playing patty cake with her.  Then he would play like he fell down to make her laugh, She loved it! (he did say "push when I laughingly asked if he fell down, trying to blame Lela... lol )
Who is this boy living in my house and what did he do with my son? Can he really be outgrowing his bully stage already? He has been going to daycare 2 times a week to get acculmated with other kids. It seems to be working!
Now the boys are out playing in the shop while the girls chill on the couch. Daddy is showing Grant his "Daddy's Mare-o Car" which is just Grant's way of saying Camaro Car. I was going to bully Dusty into giving Lela her bath since I have worked so hard today..;) but since they are having so much fun out there I better go do the bath. Then off to meet the beautiful new addition to our friends home and a visit to nana and papa's to end our night.
That my friends is what life is all about, Family.

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