Thursday, May 19, 2011

Momma's night out

I am feeling a little bit random tonight, (more so than usual) I apologize ahead of time...

So I learned some thing about myself tonight... I found out that I really enjoy going to movies by myself. Which kind of scares me. I have always depended on others to keep me company, to have a good time. I was surprised at how comfortable I was standing in line for my ticket although I did get a little nervous when I was asked what movie I was seeing, I drew a blank and kind of stuttered as I said Bridesmaids. I even treated myself to snacks. Standing in that line was harder, I had to keep telling myself to stay put, not to escape to the darkness of the theater where it wouldn't be as obvious that I was there alone. There were a group of women there, maybe 4 or 5 in their 40's or so. A group of women that you could tell had all been friends for awhile, loud and fun and having a good time. It reminded me of the days when I would go out with the girls and harass our waiters... I was envious of these women because they were all there together, laughing and enjoying each others company. By the time I sat down and started stuffing my face with my expensive snacks I was feeling better about it.  By the time the movie started I had forgotten  I was even by myself. I laughed out loud and almost cried a few times (probably not a movie I should have watched by myself since I have actually been kicked out of a wedding) but over all had a really great time. Thankfully I had enough self respect not to get up and dance at the end when Wilson Phillips was singing ( I forgot how much I loved her !) and walked out with confidence.
The movie itself made me do a lot of thinking though. About what kind of friend I am. I wont go into the movie details, I don't want to ruin it for anyone. I want the kind of friendship that they have in the beginning of the movie, I want that friend to eat lunch wiht and make silly impressions with, to sing and dance horrible with...
My best friend is  9 hrs 16 mins / 533.89 miles away from me, not exactly the hangout on the weekends kind of situation (although we do talk most everyday) I have friends, even a few good ones ;) but I still don't do much to reach out to them. I used to be the one to initialize plans and dates. I was a go getter! But now I have realized that I am a recluse that waits for things to happen to her. Where did that go getter go? Did becoming a stay at home mom change me that much? Do I just use it as an excuse to push people away? I'm not that good of a friend, not like I used to think I was. I think becoming a mom made me sort of selfish. I forget to ask others how they are or ask about their lives...I think that's why I enjoy blogging so much, I get to get all my thoughts out  but don't have to listen to anyone Else's. That's horrible! I do not want to be this person! I love people, I love to talk, I love to have a good time. I'm a needy friend, the type that needs her calls answered or at least returned. The one that likes to text everyday or every other day, just about random things. I share personal stuff, I wear my feelings on my sleeve and have been known to get my feelings hurt easily. I just want to make room in my life for an everyday friend like in the movies...

1 comment:

cssolomon said...

I think that is awesome you saw a movie by yourself. We have a small theater in our town outside of Tulsa and I've actually wanted to go alone, just haven't made the time. The fact that you were able to do this just shows that you are comfortable in your own skin. You don't need someone to entertain you.

I know what you mean about friendship and I have actually thought that too...has motherhood made me push people away? But when we had kids our priorities just happened to require a lot more attention...but I do think it's important to find time for girl time, which has been a struggle for me since all my friends have babies too...I miss those times I could get together with my girlfriends, have a few drinks, talk like sailors, and go home :) I think I need that to stay sane...every once and know?